Serena Chen, MD

Serena H. Chen MD graduated from Brown University, and earned her MD at Duke University School of Medicine. She trained in Gynecology, Obstetrics, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and now serves as Division Director at Cooperman Barnabas Medical Center, and IRMS, the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science, Chief Advocacy Officer at CCRM NJ, as well as Clinical Associate Professor at Rutgers NJ Medical School and Rutgers RWJ Medical School. She has earned a place on several Top Doctor lists including US News and World Report, Inside Jersey Magazine, NJ Monthly and NY Magazine. She serves on the ASRM Technology Committee and is on the editorial staff of the high impact journal, Fertility and Sterility, as an Interactive Associate on the Media Team. She is a founding member of the ASRM Social Media Special Interest Group. She is proud, honored and privileged to have played a role in obtaining better access to IVF and egg freezing for the people of NJ. She won the RESOLVE Hope Award for Advocacy in 2020 for this work.

Dr Chen helped to found–DFF–because access to IVF continues to be very poor in the United States, and is threatened by the current legal climate created by the overturn of Roe V Wade. DFF will be working to support the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) and all healthcare providers' ability to treat their patients safely and effectively. DFF will advocate, educate and lobby in order to protect access to IVF and access to reproductive healthcare so physicians in America can continue to help people that struggle with infertility build their families. Please connect with Dr. Chen on Instagram and Twitter @DrSerenaHChen