Marina Del Rios, MD, MS

Marina Del Rios, MD, MS is an emergency physician with over 16 years of experience working in tertiary care hospitals serving marginalized communities in New York City and Chicago. She is a health services researcher with a special interest in resuscitation science, social emergency medicine, and population health. She is a physician in the frontlines working as a nocturnist in the emergency department during the COVID19 pandemic, first in the University of Illinois Hospital in Chicago and now in the University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City. She is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Carver College of Medicine of the University of Iowa and Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine at the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research has received competitive funding from the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, Medtronic Philanthropy, the Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr. Del Rios has a deep commitment to service, spending her time outside of her clinical, research, and teaching responsibilities as a volunteer for multiple health and community service agencies. She is a founding member of the Illinois Heart Rescue Project, a state-wide quality improvement project with the mission to ensure that every victim of out of hospital cardiac arrest receives evidence-based care in the field, in route to, and in the hospital. She serves as the Vice Chair of the Science Subcommittee of the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee of the American Heart Association. She has volunteered with the Illinois Department of Public Health COVID19 Health Equity Task Force, the Restore Illinois Health Justice Workgroup, and the city of Chicago Racial Equity Rapid Response Team. She is an active member of the Puerto Rican Agenda's Health Committee and of Illinois Medical Professionals Action Collaborative Team (IMPACT). She is a member of the Rotary Kerber Heart Safe Campaign in Johnson County, Iowa. Dr. Del Rios serves as co-Chair of the Health and Policy Committee of Illinois Unidos, a cross-sectoral partnership of elected and appointed officials, health professionals, and leaders of community-based organizations that aims to stop the transmission of COVID-19 and address the pandemic’s devastating public health and economic impact in Latinx communities. Her advocacy on behalf of the Latinx community during the COVID19 pandemic led to her recognition as one of Negocios Now 2020 Who's Who in Chicago Hispanic Power, as one of Chicago Crain’s Business 2020 Notable Health Care Heroes, and as the 2021 Spirit of Hope by Association House.