Hansa Bhargava, MD, FAAP

Hansa Bhargava, MD, is a board certified physician and Chief Medical Officer for Medscape Education. Formerly Senior Medical Director at WebMD, she is an author, speaker and is also a Certified Instructor of the Emory University CBCT Resiliency Program.

Dr. Bhargava strives to bring awareness and education on health and prevention with a focus on mental well being, women’s health, pediatrics and innovation. Dr. Bhargava's work has been featured regularly in the media including Forbes, CNN, HLN, Politico, NPR, Vice, WSJ Radio and NBC Nightly News. She has served as an expert panelist with former first lady Michelle Obama and was an advisor to the PBS Wellbeings team that helped produce Ken Burns documentary on mental health: Hiding In Plain Sight.

Speaking engagements include the Global Physician Burnout Symposium, Peds2040, Ga Tech Innovation and AAP conferences. She produces and moderates Linked In Lives for Medscape hosts a weekly Twitter Spaces and has helped produce digital content for Medscape and WebMD. She also has a passion for digital innovation and has served as an advisor in the health tech arena. She is on the Executive Council for Communications/Media at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). She is currently an advisor for the non profit Christopher Wolf Crusade for the prevention of Substance Use Disorder

Dr. Bhargava has served as a visiting professor at University of Maryland Medical School for communications/media. A graduate of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, she completed her residency at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. She lives in Atlanta and has two children.